The interviews of Art Rights Prize
Interview with Maria Chiara Valacchi – Painting Juror of Art Rights Prize
Art Rights Magazine, Media Partner of Art Rights Prize, the first International Digital Prize for Artists 3.0, presents every week the Judges that make up the Jury of Experts of the Art System and the Art Market.
In the perspective of comparison and meeting between Artists and Art Professionals, the Jury of Art Rights Prize boasts the participation of 15 Judges who offer a personal and professional preview of the importance of Art Awards, advice on the best way to submit their candidacy together with the motivations that should push an artist to participate in an art award
Seize the opportunity of an art award to expose yourself without filters and bring out your own artist research.
Without too many frills, here is the best advice from Maria Chiara Valacchi, Art Critic, Curator and Art Writer for the best art magazines, she founded the Milanese non-profit space “Cabinet” and created the online platform that gives space to the best contemporary painting that he called “Paint!”.
Her attention to young emerging art leads her today to fill the role of Judge for the PAINTING Category of the Art Rights Prize, ready to select the best talents for the 3D Virtual Final Exhibition.
In this interview Maria Chiara hits some key points of a good candidacy to keep in mind for all artists, you just have to read it very carefully …

Maria Chiara Valacchi is an art critic, independent curator and art writer based in Milan.
Since 2010 he has founded and curated the non-profit space Cabinet in Milan which hosted a series of recognized mid-career international artists.
Since 2014 he has founded and is editor-in-chief of “Paint!” an online platform exclusively dedicated to the dissemination and research of the best contemporary painting, the first to use the direct contribution of illustrious international painters.
Since 2015 he is an international contributor of “ArtForum International Magazine” and since 2017 of “Il Corriere della Sera” and “Il Fatto Quotidiano” for which he is responsible for the thematic columns dedicated to Contemporary Art.
As an independent curator she has to her credit over eighty exhibitions in private and public spaces.
Among the main magazines with which he collaborated: Artforum, Flash Art, Arte e Critica, Arte, Muse and Inside.
1.For you, what importance does an Art Prize have in an artist’s career?
I believe that participation in an award offers the possibility of comparing one’s work with that of contemporary colleagues and, which is increasingly rare, to receive an unfiltered judgment in a direct and critical way in the ancient sense of the term.
Beyond the reward, this opportunity, if accepted constructively, can help highlight the strengths and weaknesses of one’s creative research.
The awards also remain a further method of disseminating one’s work.
2.What would you recommend to an artist who wants to participate in an Art Prize?
Consistent with what has been said before, I would advise not to adapt your work to the critical and aesthetic taste of the jurors or to the current trend but to take the opportunity to expose yourself without filters, in order to learn a professional and alternative point of view of your research. artistic.
3.What factors do you take into consideration when judging a nomination for an Art Award?
First of all, the expressive power of the work and its ability to record and speak about our present; another important element is also the balance that is established between conceptual intentions and the real quality of the work itself.
Last but not least the professional path and the collaborations with the system.
If you are an artist, what are you waiting for?
APPLY NOW, TILL 30th NOVEMBER 2020 to Art Rights Prize, the first international digital art prize.