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    The 5 books that explain the art system

    Everything you need to know about the world of art and its protagonists

    The art system is complex and has dark sides on which it is necessary to clarify

    If you are looking for punctual readings that will help you deepen your knowledge of the world of art and its protagonists, here are 5 books that you cannot miss. 

    The Digital Archive

    A fundamental tool for the art collector

    Together with the Artist Archive, the digital archive is a tool to support the collector, because it allows him to catalog the works and preserve the documents received after the purchase.

    In addition, the digital archive collects all the information that accompanies the work from its birth to the moment it is going to be sold, bequeathed or donated.

    The role of the art advisor

    Art advisor art rights

    A guide in the art market

    Today the art market is a complex and hard-to-interpret world, characterized by a series of specific problems, such as the danger of forgeries or misattributed  artworks.

    For the inexperienced collector, acquiring new works and managing his collection in total safety becomes a major problem.

    For this reason, it is important to know and rely on specific professional figures able to avoid the main risks, including the Art Advisors.

    ProfessioneARTE.it – Learning for the art world becomes digital

    The world of art is changing and thus new opportunities and professional figures are emerging which are increasingly required to have transversal skills in the economic, legal, marketing or communication fields.

    New and “old” professionals face future challenges, looking at the world of art as an opportunity for growth and development, not only professional, but of society.


    [rs_section_title title_style=”with_subtitle” align=”center” title=”NEW RECORD FOR BANKSY AT SOTHEBY’S AUCTION” subtitle=”The story behind “Devolved Parliament“, sold for almost 10 million pounds” title_size=”30px”]

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    In October, all the eyes of the art world were focused on London for the London Frieze Week, with some unmissable events.

    Among these, the Contemporary Art Evening Auction by Sotheby’s, which presented the work “Devolved Parliament” by Banksy, reaching a new sales record for the English street artist …
    Let’s find out what happened and the background.

    Buying art online

    The last report by Artsy

    The online art market is increasingly attracting the interest of collectors and art lovers, with numbers in continuous growth in recent years.

    Galleries and auction houses invest in their presence on the web and on social media, catching the interest of new collectors and reinforcing their appeal to those more “experienced”.

    Discover the “The Online Art Collector Report 2019” by Artsy, one of the most important platforms for selling artworks online, with over 3,000 among galleries and auction houses, to understand the characteristics and behavior of online collectors.

    The black art market on Facebook

    When social networks attract lawlessness

    “The illicit traffic in the art world has an annual value of 8 billion dollars a year”

    A disconcerting fact what we read in the article of Sole 24Ore on Arteconomy that leaves no room for doubt.

    Digital Art. Art in the Digital Era

    When collecting becomes digital

    In recent years, new technologies have radically changed the way of using, creating and collecting art.

    Thanks to Digital Art, artists are constantly searching for new ways of artistic expression, while an increasingly strong interest in Digital Art collecting is taking the way.

    The First ChatBOT Book for Art

    The First ChatBOT Book for Art

    A new way to learn about art and artists

    Today the systems of interaction and automated messaging are fundamental tools also within the art world.

    Museums, institutions and galleries are looking for new solutions to increase the engagement of visitors within their structures, in favor of learning and fruition of their collections.

    ANNAPAOLA NEGRI-CLEMENTI – interview with the lawyer

    Annapaola Negri-Clementi Art Rights
    Annapaola Negri-Clementi Art Rights

    The protection and enhancement of an art collection

    Protecting and enhancing one’s own art collection requires attention to implement procedures and verifications that take place in all those fundamental phases that concern the life of an artwork.

    It is not rare, in fact, that entire collections of art lose their cultural value and economic precisely because of some defaults by their owners, who due to lack of specific knowledge, are not inclined to carry out actions for the promotion and protection of their works.