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    The Registrar

    La figura del registrar Art Rights

    Discover its importance

    Museums, public and private institutions that operate within the art world, have in their staff well-defined professionals that are involved in organizing an exhibition and in managing their own collection.

    Among these the Registrar is of crucial importance, being a multidisciplinary professional at the service of all phases of artworks handling, during the loan both in and out…

    The artist’s archive

    Archivio d'artista Art Rights

    A tool to support collectors

    The Artist’s Archive is a precious ally for the protection and promotion of the artistic and economic heritage of an artist’s life, in favor of the future of his production, in aid of gallery owners and in support of collectors.

    The Art Portfolio

    Il portfolio per l'artista Art Rights

    Three mistakes to avoid

    The Portfolio is the tool that allows the artist to present his artworks, a strategic selection of images to approach gallery owners, curators, but also collectors and other professionals of the sector.

    Discover the 3 mistakes that could make you miss important occasions…

    The Art Prizes

    I premi d'arte Art Rights

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    In the artistic panorama, art prizes are important opportunities for artists.

    Art prizes allow artists to present their research to a panel of  art professionals, to confirm and increase their artistic value, but not only.

    SIMONE FUGAZZOTTO – Interview with the artist

    simone fugazzotto artista andrea concas

    Being a professional artist requires transversal skills and capabilities, which can not always be acquired in an academic context.

    The art world is full of risks and the possibility of failure is just around the corner, especially if your artistic production is not protected and managed at best.

    The interview with the artist Simone Fugazzotto allows us to understand the stages of the path of a professional artist and the difficulties to be faced.

    ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – Interview with Angela Saltarelli of Studio Chiomenti

    intelligenza artificiale Art Rights Blockchain

    Collecting an algorithm is possible

    Artificial Intelligence, like a great revolution, attracts all the fields of human activities.

    Even in the system and in the art market, Artificial Intelligence is finding its space, being increasingly within the reach of artists, gallerists and collectors.

    Recently, the sale of artworks created with Artificial Intelligence has achieved incredible results.

    Blockchain for Art

    Blockchain per l'arte Art Rights

    The technology that is catching the art world

    The Blockchain finds space in the system and in the art market, always marked by opacity of data, as a tool in favor of problems on provenance, price manipulation and the lack of transparency of information on artworks.

    MARCO GENZINI – the art collector

    Marco Genzini collezionista art rights

    The key points of collecting

    The world of art collecting is constantly evolving.

    Risks and problems of the art market, encourage collectors to take precautions, to create art collections with awareness.
    The dialogue with the collector Marco Genzini offers interesting points of view on the art system and its dynamics.

    The documents for the loan of artworks

    documenti prestito opere, 24_10_18, MoMA Art Rights

    Discover what they are and their importance

    The loan of an artwork is an important opportunity to increase its value and its recognisability: knowing the documents that are required in this process is fundamental to protect the safety of the works and their conservation.

    The Solo show

    La mostra personale, 15_10_18, MAXXI Art RIGHTS

    Discover how to organise it in 5 steps

    The solo show is a fundamental step in the career of an artist: a presentation of his artistic research, in balance with the exhibition space, to highlight the main aspects.