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    Primary and Secondary Art Market

    Primo e Secondo Mercato, 12_10_18, Installation view of Helly Nahmad Gallery's booth at Art Basel in Miami Beach, 2017.

    Do you know the difference?

    In the art market there are two main sales channels and knowing the players and how they buy or sell art is essential for all the industry operators.

    The Website: a virtual gallery for art

    Sothebys Preview The Art Of Making Money Collection Worth ?50million
    LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 08: A visitor studies 'Dollar Signs', 1981, by Andy Warhol which has an estimated value of ?4.5-6.5 million and is going on show at Sotheby's on June 8, 2015 in London, England. The work is a centrepiece of an exhibition of 21 pieces inspired by the US Dollar which are estimated to have a total value of ?50 million and will go under offer by the auction house on 1st and 2nd July 2015. (Photo by Mary Turner/Getty Images)

    Today not having a strong presence on the web is almost like not existing: the network of contacts has also to be built online and taking care of one’s digital brand image is fundamental especially in art.

    The Castelli Method

    Il metodo castelli, 8_10_18, Leo Castelli, Ivan Karp, and Andy Warhol, 1966.

    A model for every gallerist

    Leo Castelli is recognised as the most avant-garde art dealer of the twentieth century and his method has become a model still viable today for the art market.

    The galleries selection in art fairs

    La selezione delle gallerie nelle fiere d'arte, 5_10_18, Art Rights

    The galleries selection in art fairs

    The annual calendar of art lovers is punctuated by art fairs, which are now held in all seasons and dot the agendas of gallerists and international collectors.

    Corporate Art Collections

    Corporate Art Collections, 28_09_18, Deloitte

    When the company acts as a collector

    The term Corporate Art refers to any artistic property within a collection managed by a company.

    Social networks: New art market channels

    La vendita tramite social network, 3_10_18, FastCompany — Rethinking Public Spaces with Agumented Reality Art

    The social networks offer an exposure chance never seen before, increasing the already thriving online art market and offering new opportunities for artists and market players.

    Find your appropriate gallery

    Entrare in contatto con una galleria, 1_10_18, GettyImages ArtRights


    Suggestions for artists and collectors

    There are different ways to get in touch with art galleries, you just have to know where to go and how to introduce yourself.

    The Artworks Insurance

    Perché rischiare, le assicurazioni delle opere d'arte, Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company

    Protect your collection

    The main insurance companies have policies designed specifically for art collections, in order to protect them from multiple risks.

    Corporate Museum

    Galleria Campari Milano Art Rights

    The Italian example of Galleria Campari

    In the world there are a lot of companies that make up their own corporate museum, based on the existing territorial context and perfectly integrated with the productive circumstances of the company.

    What is an art gallery

    Che cos_è una galleria d_arte, CFA Gallery, © Contemporary Fine Arts, Berlin_Photo- Matthias Kolb


    Discover its purpose

    The art gallery is a reference point for artists, collectors and for the different players of the art world.