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    Discover the Secrets of the Photography told by gallerists. Download the free Ebook!!

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    Discover the secrets of the most important national and international gallerists to discover how they select their photographers, what features they seek in an artist and moreover what mistakes they must not make to have a future in the world of artistic photography. 

    Purchasing Artworks? Discover the 3 main risk factors to take into consideration

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    You are about to buy the work of a great artist, but are you sure you have considered all the risk factors?

    Let’s see the main ones

    Discover the Secrets of the Art told by gallerists. Download the FREE Ebook!!

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    Discover the secrets of the art told by the best gallerists

    Download the FREE Ebook Vol.1

    Discover the secrets of the most important Italian gallerists, understand how they select their artists, what qualities they seek and above all the mistakes they must not make in order to have a succesful carrer in the art world.

    When fashion marketing meets art.

    In recent years, the trend of the great collaborations between Art and Fashion has spread exponentially.

    The Contracts between gallerist and artist


    In Italy, still few artists sign contracts with galleries, relying on a relationship of mutual trust, but the risks for both are around the corner.

    The Certificate of Authenticity: the Art Passport!

    Not having it is among the worst nightmares for a collector.

    To compose your own art collection, it is of great importance to have a comprehensive documentation kit that always accompanies the works, and lead all the Certificate of Authenticity.

    You don’t have to be rich to be an art collector…

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    Even if it can help, you do not always have to be rich to become art collectors. Here we discover the four good rules for creating a true art collection

    How To Sell Your Works To An Auction House

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    Discover the three phases of the main international Auction Houses in order to propose your artwork at an auction…

    Find out how auctions of artworks are organised.

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    Discover the backstage of how an auction is created and organised, to know when it is the time to make your offer…

    What is the Resale Right? Application and calculation in Italy, the SIAE case

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    What if after selling your artwork you could keep on earning from it? 

    Here is how!