Art World


    How To Sell Your Works To An Auction House

    Discover the three phases of the main international Auction Houses in order to propose your artwork at an auction... Debt, Divorce, Death: these are the...

    Find out how auctions of artworks are organised.

    Discover the backstage of how an auction is created and organised, to know when it is the time to make your offer... Auction Houses, Sotheby’s ...

    What is the Resale Right? Application and calculation in Italy, the SIAE case

    What if after selling your artwork you could keep on earning from it?  Here is how! The Resale Right is the financial compensation that artists and/or...

    The Role of an Art Gallerist Today

    A complex figure in constant evolution. As an artist, collector, and curator it is important to be familiar with the role of an art gallerist....

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