News from the digital and NFT world – 28 JUNE 2021
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Christie’s and Sotheby’s accept cryptocurrencies for physical works
Famous auction houses Christie’s and Sotheby’s have announced that they will accept payment in Ether or Bitcoin cryptocurrencies for important physical objects and works.
Sotheby’s inaugurates this novelty with its upcoming Luxury Edit single lot live auction, which will be held on July 9 in Hong Kong and during which a 101.38 carat D-color diamond will be sold. The object, estimated at between $ 10 million and $ 15 million, has already reached very high bids.
“It is a truly symbolic moment. The oldest and most emblematic denominator of value can now, for the first time, be bought using humanity’s newest universal currency. There has never been a better time to bring a world-class diamond like this to market, “said Wenhao Yu, vice president of jewelry at Sotheby’s Asia.
Christie’s, on the other hand, will put up for sale at the London to Paris auction on 30 June a prestigious painting by Keith Haring, estimated at between $ 5.4 million and $ 6.2 million, ready to win the hearts of collectors.