FEWOCiOUS sells at Christie’s for over $ 2 million

    News from the digital and NFT world – 1 JULY 2021

    Every day, Art Rights Magazine selects the best news from the world of digital art, to stay up to date!

    FEWOCiOUS sells at Christie’s for over $ 2 million

    “Hello, i’m Victor (FEWOCiOUS) and This Is My Life” is the Christie’s NY online auction that closed yesterday and which presented five new NFT pieces and physical paintings by FEWOCiOUS, which he told through NFT works and physical each for his years of age and artistic growth, from 14 to 18 years.

    The sale made a grand total of $ 2,162,500.

    Each digital lot was paired with an original painting along with a collection of new and never-minted scribbles of drawings, notes and journal notes, selected from the artist’s personal collections and sold based on the number of years of age they had been. completed (14 for 14 years, 15 for 15 years etc.)

    Upon request, FEWOCiOUS will then personally deliver the physical painting along with the prints of the pieces from its archive in a personalized suitcase to the collector who won the lot, to remind you how he carried his works around before becoming the established artist he is today.


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