Every day, Art Rights Magazine selects the best news from the world of digital art, to stay up to date!

1) Christie’s is auctioning paintings and NFTs by the feminist collective Rewind
On May 14, 2021, Christie’s will auction physical works and NFT works by the digital feminist collective Rewind. For the occasion, the auction house and Rewind collaborated with activist and gallery owner Amar Singh, recently engaged in donating works of art by women and LGBTQ + artists to museums around the world.

2) New record for Ethereum: exceeded $ 3,000
The Ethereum cryptocurrency scores record values and exceeds $ 3,000. The scenarios that crypto experts have foreseen are all positive. The motivations? Orlando Merone, Country Manager of Bitpanda Italy argues that “Due to the great value offered by Ethereum, the trust and interest of investors that created the initial demand, a combination of circumstances and the” bullish “nature of cryptocurrencies in the last year, the currency is gaining momentum. A trend that in my opinion will not end so soon “.
3) The results of the last Beeple drop
The long-awaited Beeple auction on Nifty Gateway has come to an end, sparking the souls of several collectors intent on winning the works of the “BEEPLE: SPRING / SUMMER COLLECTION 2021 蜂 鸟: 2021 年 春夏 系列”. In first place we find the crypto collector tgerring, who with a figure of $ 1,234,567.88 managed to win 6 works, both NFT and physical. To follow, 9 other collectors managed to obtain 5 works, such as the well-known Justinsun and Pablo. For the other 90 participants who offered as many high figures, only the NFT and physical work Abundance will be provided.