News from the digital and NFT world – 22 JUNE 2021
Every day, Art Rights Magazine selects the best news from the world of digital art, to stay up to date!

The CADAF art fair promotes digital works on Instagram
The contemporary and digital art fair (CADAF) founded in 2019 and now in its second online edition, has intensified and strengthened its online and social presence, also inserting QR codes and AR filters to promote the Crypto Art works present at the fair .
CADAF, characterized by deep technological roots, launched this month in Paris the “month of digital art”, a physical event curated by Jess Conatser of Studio As We Are that offers the opportunity for visitors to see digital works of art in the spaces audiences by scanning QR codes and AR filters, designed in collaboration with a variety of artists.
“We started Digital Art Month during the pandemic as a way to connect the general public to this new and interactive medium that allows for safe interactions and at the same time mixes your reality with that of the artists,” says Andrea Steuer, director of the fair. In addition to allowing interaction with the work, Instagram plays a crucial role in promoting and selling the artists present at the fair: “Instagram is very important to us, we use it as a tool for communicating and building communities with the artists”, declares Steuer, “and it is also one of the most important sales platforms for art with research showing that around 80% of art buyers go to Instagram to discover new artists.”