News from the digital and NFT world – 10 JUNE 2021
Every day, Art Rights Magazine selects the best news from the world of digital art, to stay up to date!

The drop by artist Edo on the new Spree platform
The artist Eddie Santana White, known to most by the pseudonym Edo, has recently made his debut in the NFT world by making a digital collection available on the Spree platform, designed by a team based in Milwaukee and Chicago.
The Chicago Way includes seven pieces and some of these are digital works of art dating back to 2015, as well as the first to be offered for sale on the platform. The auction, which began on 7 June, will end on 14 June and it looks like it will be a success.
“We didn’t expect people to get any value out of it that quickly,” said Magennis, one of the founders. “It’s really exciting to see that snowball effect.”
The Spree platform is also preparing for the beta launch of the mobile app, which Magennis says will be available soon.