Women Crypto Artists

Women Crypto Artists

Graffiti Queens: the first all-female NFT exhibition

The surprises from the world of Crypto Art continue!

Among the numerous exhibitions organized on online platforms, since 3 April Decentraland hosts “Graffiti Queens’ Virtual Art Exhibition”, the first collective exhibition of only NFT crypto artists.

An event that seems to have had considerable media coverage, so much so as to see the participation of characters such as Pussy Riot Viktoria Modesta or the heiress Paris Hilton, who instead talked about it on her social media accounts.

The curator of the exhibition is CryptoYuna who claims to have discovered Crypto Art in a completely random way. Before arriving in this universe, in fact, CryptoYuna was a traditional artist who painted the reality that was around her, animals and rural landscapes of Missouri.

In search of a new stimulus and inspiration, the artist accidentally stumbles upon a tweet about Crypto Art … From here the step is short: she begins to inquire and armed with an iPad and a stylus begins to create her style and his artistic vision.

To date, her success in the Crypto world seems to have far surpassed that in traditional art perhaps because, as she herself says, “I learned from my surroundings and then I started modeling my images. I really like it. realistic art and that’s what I’m focusing on ”.

CryptoYuna thus began to sell her works on different online platforms where she met other artists such as Stellabelle, Lapin Mignon, Ann Ahoy, hairofmedusa … It was therefore natural for them to get together and create the first all-female NFT exhibition thanks also to the support of Darren Cullen, founder of the Graffiti King street art team, who said: “We wouldn’t be Kings without our Queens!”

Open from 3 April, the exhibition can be visited online at 100, 150 in Vegas City on Decentraland.


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